Why are users visible, when they should not be visible?
The most likely cause is a misconfiguration or a third party app, that adds custom views to Confluence which are not supported by our app.
Please go through the following steps to figure out if your configuration has resulted in the unwanted user visibility:
Are the affected users assigned to an extranet space? The global setting: Who can see and find users that are not assigned to an extranet space? has the option All users. Only extranet users are restricted to search and view other extranet users.
Is it possible to see other users in the Confluence user directory (path: /browsepeople.action) and view their profiles? In this case, the user has permissions configured to the see the other user.
Are the users assigned to the same extranet space? Users who share the same extranet spaces, can collaborate and are allowed to see each other. Please consider that users also can be assigned to extranet spaces via Confluence groups.
Is the user, who can see “too many” users, a Confluence administrator or has the administrator role “Extranet Manager” or “Extranet User Manager” in one of your extranet spaces? In this case, the user must be allowed to see all other users to be able to manage the extranet space. Only assign administrator roles to users that should be allowed to see all other users.
If none of the steps above find the cause of your problem, it is either an unsupported feature from a third party app or a problem with your Space Privacy app. In both cases, please send a report to our app support team: https://seibert.biz/apphelp