Microblog or chat for teams?

When does it make sense to use a team microblog in Linchpin, instead of using team chat programs?

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Microblogging makes sense for collaborating on projects or questions. There are many ways in which a microblog is much better than a chat program.

  • Small talk, that may take place at a water cooler or in a private chat, can be microblogged. This allows users who may not normally be involved in the conversation the ability to offer advice or answer the question.
  • Everything in a microblog is saved and searchable. This gives all employees the ability to search through conversations and find relevant information, something that chat programs struggle to do.
  • Questions can be posted in a category where interested users will see it. For example, a community outreach event can be posted in the activities category and users who have subscribed to that category and see it in their feed will read and respond to the blog post.

For more information and to see more use cases, please visit our Microblogging for Confluence page.