Is there a way to get a discount on Gliffy in Confluence Cloud?

Gliffy on Confluence Cloud is incredibly expensive. It’s nearly the same cost as Confluence itself. I really need diagramming in Confluence, but my management will laugh when they see the cost. Is there any way to get a discount?

There’s no simple way, unfortunately. You could approach Gliffy directly and ask them.

However, there are a number of diagramming applications in Confluence Cloud, I’ll list them alphabetically:

  • is the most used diagramming app in Confluence Cloud.
  • Graphity is a new app, we haven’t tested it in detail.
  • Graphviz is a text to image diagramming app.
  • Lucidchart is an external app that connects to Confluence. It is also very expensive, though.
  • PlantUML is a very popular text to diagram tool.
  • Smartdraw, but we’re not sure we could recommend it, given the reviews.

Fore more general info on for Confluence or Jira, please refer to our webpage.

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