I would like to transfer/convert my existing Gliffy diagrams to draw.io, is it free to do so?

I would like to transfer/convert my existing Gliffy diagrams to draw.io, is it free to do so?

Yes, the transfer is free.

Switch from Gliffy to draw.io for Confluence or Jira:

You can find more info about switching from Gliffy to draw.io. You can read your way through the advantages regarding usability and economic benefits for the license.

Comparing draw.io, Gliffy and Lucidchart
This [additional comparison of the three popular diagram tools draw.io, Gliffy and Lucidchart](Diagramming in Confluence - App comparison for draw.io and Gliffy might be also helpful.

Fore more general info on draw.io for Confluence or Jira, please refer to our draw.io webpage.

Other Q&A’s about Gliffy migration: