How do I submit an issue?
Before you submit an issue with the Space Privacy app, please try to solve your issue with the following steps:
Reload the page.
Deactivate and activate the app (this is not ‘magic’ - heath checks are run when the app is activated).
Only if you see the message: “Indexing User…”: Rebuild the Confluence search index (Confluence Administration > Content Indexing).
If none of the steps above fixes your problem, please submit an issue ( with your application logs to help our analysis and find the cause of the problem:
Set the log level for the key net.seibertmedia.extranet to DEBUG. Use the logging administration (Confluence Administration > Logging and Profiling) to add net.seibertmedia-extranet as the new logging key.
Repeat the steps that caused the error - this will generate useful logs.
Copy the application logs if you have access, or generate a Support ZIP (Confluence Administration > Support Tools - Atlassian Documentation)
Submit an issue and attach your application logs: