Draw.io on Confluence Cloud - where is the button to upload an existing diagram?

Up until today, we were able to upload a diagram to Confluence Cloud to embed it in the page, but we no longer see that option. The Upload button is gone. The file is stored on the users’ laptop. How can I get that file into the Confluence editor, please?

The upload link was removed because it’s a duplicate functionality and there are technical problems with it.

Please create a new blank diagram on the confluence page and drag and drop the file from the device into the editor.

This has exactly the same effect as the old upload functionality of draw.io on Confluence Cloud.

Fore more general info on draw.io for Confluence or Jira, please refer to our draw.io webpage.

And some great blogposts! Blog - draw.io

Not quite. The upload allowed you to choose a particular tab from a file and dropping the entire file in a blank document does not.

The upload option is restored.

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