Hi, using draw.io, I would like to swap one or several shapes of a diagram with another one. Is there a way to do it all at once and not have to replace each element one by one?
If you like to swap shapes, you can do this:
1.Select all the shapes you like to change (push and hold shift while you select).
2. Release the shift button.
3. Then drag the new shape over one of the selected objects. Release your mouse once you see a blue exchange icon to replace all of the shapes with the new shape at once. Alternatively, you can keep on holding the shift key (after you selected all the shapes that you want to replace) and just click on the new shape in the shape library.
I made a quick video to show how it’s done:
More ways to learn how to draw.io, you’ll find on these tutorial pages.
Fore more general info on draw.io for Confluence or Jira, please refer to our draw.io webpage.
And some great blogposts! Blog - draw.io
And, there is an alternative to this as well, that some find easier:
Just hold down the Shift button and then click on the new shape. Make sure, the shape or shapes to be replaced, are highlighted before.