Draw.io - Data import from Gliffy and Visio - do you have use cases?

I would like to inquire about draw.io

  1. Does draw.io import data from Gliffy and Visio?

  2. If there are any use cases available, could we have them? I mean, i.e. how many customers do you have, if possible, customer use cases would be very helpful.

Thank you and regards!

Yes, importing is a strength of draw.io. Especially in the Gliffy conversion we have invested a lot.

There is a lot of social proof for customers:

We are the top rated app on the Atlassian Marketplace: Atlassian Marketplace
There are over a thousand of reviews about our product for Atlassian. All written by users or partners.

See here:

Please let us know if you have further questions.

Please also take a look at this entry: Can I import all diagrams at once into draw.io in Confluence? Gliffy, Visio?

Fore more general info on draw.io for Confluence or Jira, please refer to our draw.io webpage.

And some great blogposts! Blog - draw.io