Can we switch to from Gliffy?

We have been running the diagramming add-on Gliffy for Confluence for years now. My company is disappointed with the lack of innovation, support and pricing of this app in Confluence. Is there a way to leverage in the future? What do you suggest?


It is easy and fast to switch from Gliffy to

You mentioned that you have been using Gliffy for years, so I will assume you have lots of diagrams. Thankfully, the team built a really slick mass importer to convert all of your Gliffy diagrams to diagrams with only a couple of clicks.

If you would like to see the procedure yourself, there is a great guide here: Mass Import to from Gliffy & Mass Import from Gliffy to

Fun Fact #1: You can also import diagrams from Visio by drag and drop.
Fun Fact #2: Your deprecated Gliffy diagrams won’t be harmed in the import. If you need them back you can simply revert the page version in Confluence.

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